.. _user-guide: User Guide ========== Installation ------------ Just install it like a regular Python package:: $ pip install http-prompt You'll probably see some permission errors if you're trying to install it on the system-wide Python. It isn't recommended. But if that's what you want to do, you need to ``sudo``:: $ sudo pip install http-prompt Another alternative is to use ``--user`` option to install the package into your user directory:: $ pip install --user http-prompt To upgrade HTTP Prompt, do:: $ pip install -U http-prompt Quickstart ---------- To start a session, you use the ``http-prompt`` executable: .. code-block:: bash # Start with the last session or http://localhost:8000 $ http-prompt # Start with the given URL $ http-prompt http://httpbin.org # Start with some initial options $ http-prompt localhost:8000/api --auth user:pass username=somebody Once you're in a session, you can use the following commands. To change URL address, use ``cd``: .. code-block:: bash # Relative URL path > cd api/v1 # Absolute URL > cd http://localhost/api To add headers, querystring, or body parameters, use the syntax as in HTTPie_. The following are all valid: .. code-block:: bash # Header > Content-Type:application/json # Querystring parameter > page==2 # Body parameters > username=foo > full_name='foo bar' # Body parameters in raw JSON (new in v0.9.0) > number:=1234 > is_ok:=true > names:=["foo","bar"] > user:='{"username": "foo", "password": "bar"}' # Write them in one line > Content-Type:application/json page==2 username=foo You can also add HTTPie_ options like this: .. code-block:: bash > --form --auth user:pass > --verify=no # HTTPie options and request parameters in one line > --form --auth user:pass username=foo Content-Type:application/json To preview how HTTP Prompt is going to call HTTPie_, do: .. code-block:: bash > httpie post http --auth user:pass --form POST http://localhost/api apikey==abc username=john You can temporarily override the request parameters by supplying options and parameters in ``httpie`` command. The overrides won't affect the later requests. .. code-block:: bash # No parameters initially > httpie http http://localhost # Override parameters temporarily > httpie /api/something page==2 --json http --json http://localhost/api/something page==2 # Current state is not affected by the above overrides > httpie http http://localhost Since v0.6.0, apart from ``httpie`` command, you can also use ``env`` to print the current session: .. code-block:: bash > env --verify=no cd http://localhost page==10 limit==20 To actually send an HTTP request, enter one of the HTTP methods: .. code-block:: bash > get > post > put > patch > delete > head > options (new in v0.8.0) The above HTTP methods also support temporary overriding: .. code-block:: bash # No parameters initially > httpie http http://localhost # Send a request with some overrided parameters > post /api/v1 --form name=jane # Current state remains intact > httpie http http://localhost To remove an existing header, a querystring parameter, a body parameter, or an HTTPie_ option: .. code-block:: bash # Remove a header > rm -h Content-Type # Remove a querystring parameter > rm -q apikey # Remove a body parameter > rm -b username # Remove an HTTPie option > rm -o --auth To reset the session, i.e., clear all parameters and options: .. code-block:: bash > rm * To exit a session, simply enter: .. code-block:: bash > exit Output Redirection ------------------ *New in v0.6.0.* You can redirect the output of a command to a file by using the syntax: .. code-block:: bash # Write output to a file > COMMAND > /path/to/file # Append output to a file > COMMAND >> /path/to/file where ``COMMAND`` can be one of the following: * ``env`` * ``httpie`` * HTTP actions: ``get``, ``post``, ``put``, ``patch``, ``delete``, ``head``, ``options`` Saving and Loading Sessions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the use cases of output redirection is to save and load sessions, which is especially useful for team collaboration, where you want to share your sessions with your team members. To save your current session, you redirect the output of ``env`` to a file: .. code-block:: bash > env > /path/to/file To load a saved session, you can use ``source`` or ``exec``. Their only difference is that ``exec`` wipes out the current session before loading. Usage: .. code-block:: bash # Update the current session > source /path/to/file # Wipe out the current session and load from a file > exec /path/to/file Saving HTTP Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Printing HTTP responses to the console is good for small text responses. For larger text or binary data, you may want to save the response to a file. Usage: .. code-block:: bash # Save http://httpbin.org/image/png to a file > cd http://httpbin.org/image/png > get > pig.png # Or use this one-liner > get http://httpbin.org/image/png > pig.png Pipeline -------- *New in v0.7.0.* HTTP Prompt supports simplified pipeline syntax, where you can pipe the output to a shell command: .. code-block:: bash # Replace 'localhost' to '' > httpie POST http://localhost | sed 's/localhost/' http # Only print the line that contains 'User-Agent' using grep > get http://httpbin.org/get | grep 'User-Agent' "User-Agent": "HTTPie/0.9.6" On macOS, you can even copy the result to the clipboard using ``pbcopy``: .. code-block:: bash # Copy the HTTPie command to the clipboard (macOS only) > httpie | pbcopy Another cool trick is to use jq_ to parse JSON data: .. code-block:: bash > get http://httpbin.org/get | jq '.headers."User-Agent"' "HTTPie/0.9.6" **Note**: Syntax with multiple pipes is not supported currently. Shell Substitution ------------------ *New in v0.7.0.* Shell substitution happens when you put a shell command between two backticks like ```...```. This syntax allows you compute a value from the shell environment and assign the value to a parameter:: # Set date to current time > date==`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` > httpie http http://localhost:8000 'date==2016-10-08 09:45:00' # Get password from a file. Suppose the file has a content of # "secret_api_key". > password==`cat ./apikey.txt` > httpie http http://localhost:8000 password==secret_api_key Configuration ------------- *New in v0.4.0.* When launched for the first time, HTTP Prompt creates a user config file at ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/http-prompt/config.py`` (or ``%LOCALAPPDATA%/http-prompt/config.py`` on Windows). By default, it's ``~/.config/http-prompt/config.py`` (or ``~/AppData/Local/http-prompt/config.py``). ``config.py`` is a Python module with all the available options you can customize. Don't worry. You don't need to know Python to edit it. Just open it up with a text editor and follow the guidance inside. Persistent Context ------------------ *New in v0.4.0.* HTTP Prompt keeps a data structure called *context* to represent your current session. Every time you enter a command modifying your context, HTTP Prompt saves the context to your filesystem, enabling you to resume your previous session when you restart ``http-prompt``. The last saved context is located at ``$XDG_DATA_HOME/http-prompt/context.hp`` (or ``%LOCALAPPDATA%/http-prompt/context.hp`` on Windows). By default, it's ``~/.local/share/http-prompt/context.hp`` (or ``~/AppData/Local/http-prompt/context.hp``). As context data may contain sensitive data like API keys, you should keep the user data directory private. By default, HTTP Prompt sets the modes of ``$XDG_DATA_HOME/http-prompt`` to ``rwx------`` (i.e., ``700``) so that the only person who can read it is the owner (you). **Note for users of older versions**: Since 0.6.0, HTTP Prompt only stores the last context instead of grouping multiple contexts by hostnames and ports like it did previously. We changed the behavior because the feature can be simply replaced by ``env``, ``exec`` and ``source`` commands. See the discussion in `issue #70 `_ for detail. ``ls``, ``cd``, and OpenAPI/Swagger Specification ------------------------------------------------- *New in v0.10.0.* OpenAPI_ (formerly known as Swagger_) is a specification that describes an HTTP/REST API. The ``http-prompt`` has a ``--spec`` option for you to provide an OpenAPI specification in JSON format. The specification enables HTTP Prompt to do some cool things like autocomplete API endpoint paths and parameters for you. See it in action: |ls-demo| To use this feature, specify an OpenAPI/Swagger specification file with ``--spec`` command line option:: # Specify a spec on local filesystem $ http-prompt http://localhost:8000 --spec /path/to/spec.json # Specify a spec on the internet (https://apis.guru has lots of them) $ http-prompt https://api.github.com --spec https://api.apis.guru/v2/specs/github.com/v3/swagger.json Then you can use ``ls`` and ``cd`` commands to navigate API endpoints with autocomplete! .. |ls-demo| image:: https://asciinema.org/a/107732.png :target: https://asciinema.org/a/107732 .. _HTTPie: https://httpie.org .. _jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ .. _OpenAPI: https://openapis.org .. _Swagger: http://swagger.io/