Contributor Guide

This document is for developers who want to contribute code to this project. Any contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated!

This project follows the common conventions of a Python/GitHub project. So if you’re already an experienced Python/GitHub user, it should be straightforward for you to set up your development environment and send patches. Generally, the steps include:

  1. Fork and clone the repo
  2. Create a virtualenv for this project
  3. Install dependent packages with pip install -e .
  4. Install test dependent packages with pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  5. Make your changes to the code
  6. Run tests with pytest and tox
  7. Commit and push your changes
  8. Send a pull request
  9. Wait to be reviewed and get merged!

If you’re not familiar with any of the above steps, read the following instructions.


Fork is a term invented by GitHub. It means copy someone else’s project to your account, so you can make changes without interfering with the original project.

To fork HTTP Prompt, just click the Fork button on HTTP Prompt’s GitHub project page. Then you clone your fork to your local computer:

$ cd ~/Projects
$ git clone{YOUR_USERNAME}/http-prompt.git

Read Forking Projects on GitHub to learn more.

Working with virtualenv

virtualenv is the de facto standard tool when developing a Python project. Instead of polluting your system-wide Python installation with different Python projects, virtualenv creates an isolated Python environment exclusively for a Python project.

There are several tools you can use for managing virtualenvs. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv, which is one of the most popular virtualenv management tools.

Make sure you have installed pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv first.

HTTP Prompt should work on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5. You can use any of these Python versions as your development environment, but using the latest version (3.5.x) is probably the best. You can install the latest Python with pyenv:

$ pyenv install 3.5.2

This will install Python 3.5.2 in ~/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2 directory. To create a virtualenv for HTTP Prompt, do:

$ pyenv virtualenv 3.5.2 http-prompt

The command means: create a virtualenv named “http-prompt” based on Python 3.5.2. The virtualenv can be found at ~/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/envs/http-prompt.

To activate the virtualenv, do:

$ pyenv activate http-prompt

This will switch your Python environment from the system-wide Python to the virtualenv’s (named “http-prompt”) Python.

To go back to the system-wide Python, you have to deactivate the virtualenv:

$ pyenv deactivate

Refer to pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv if anything else is unclear.

Installing Dependent Packages

The dependent packages should be installed on a virtualenv, so make sure you activate your virtualenv first. If not, do:

$ pyenv activate http-prompt

It is also recommended to use the latest version of pip. You can upgrade it with:

$ pip install -U pip

Install HTTP Prompt with its dependent packages:

$ cd ~/Projects/http-prompt
$ pip install -e .

pip install -e . means install the http-prompt package in editable mode (or developer mode). This allows you to edit code directly in ~/Projects/http-prompt without reinstalling the package. Without the -e option, the package will be installed to Python’s site-packages directory, which is not convenient for developing.

Installing Test Dependent Packages

Test requirements are placed in a separate file named requirements-test.txt. To install them, do:

$ cd ~/Projects/http-prompt
$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Making Your Changes

Code Style

Always lint your code with Flake8. You can set it up in your code editor or simply use flake8 in the command line.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python provides the best Python coding practices. We recommend anyone who wants to write good Python code to read it.

Adding Features

Before you add a new feature, make sure you create an issue making a proposal first, because you don’t want to waste your time on something that the community don’t agree upon.

Python 2 and 3 Compatibility

HTTP Prompt is compatible with Python 2 and 3. Keep in mind that you’re coding for Python 2 and 3 at the same time. You can use Tox (see below) to make sure the code is runnable on both Python 2 and 3.


Documentation is written in Sphinx. To build documentation, you need to install Sphinx first:

$ pip install sphinx

To build and view documentation in HTML, do:

$ cd ~/Projects/http-prompt/docs
$ make html
$ open _build/html/index.html

Running Tests

Single Python Version

Make sure your virtualenv is activated. To run tests, do:

$ cd ~/Projects/http-prompt
$ pytest

pytest runs the tests with your virtualenv’s Python version. This is good for fast testing. To test the code against multiple Python versions, you use Tox.

Multiple Python Versions

All the commands in this section should NOT be run in a virtualenv. Deactivate it first if you’re in a virtualenv:

$ pyenv deactivate

Make sure you have installed all the Python versions we’re targeting. If not, do:

$ pyenv install 2.6.9
$ pyenv install 2.7.12
$ pyenv install 3.3.6
$ pyenv install 3.4.5
$ pyenv install 3.5.2
$ pyenv install pypy-5.3.1
$ pyenv install pypy3-2.4.0

To use Tox with pyenv, you have to instruct pyenv to use multiple Python versions for the project:

$ cd ~/Projects/http-prompt
$ pyenv local 3.5.2 3.4.5 3.3.6 2.7.12 2.6.9 pypy-5.3.1 pypy3-2.4.0

This will generate a .python-version in the project directory:

$ cat ~/Projects/http-prompt/.python-version

This tells pyenv to choose a Python version based on the above order. In this case, 3.5.2 is the first choice, so any Python executables (such as python and pip) will be automatically mapped to the ones in ~/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/bin.

We want to run tox using on Python 3.5.2. Make sure you have installed Tox:

$ pip install tox

To run tests, execute tox:

$ cd ~/Projects/http-prompt
$ tox

Tox will install the test Python environments in the .tox/ directory in the project directory, and run the test code against all the Python versions listed above.

Code Review

Once you made changes and all the tests pass, push your modified code to your GitHub account. Submit a pull request (PR) on GitHub for the maintainers to review. If the patch is good, The maintainers will merge it to the master branch and ship the new code in the next release. If the patch needs improvements, we’ll give you feedback so you can modify accordingly and resubmit it to the PR.