Early Access

This section is for Early Access subscribers on how to install the latest HTTP Prompt package on our private PyPI server. Check out http://http-prompt.com/early-access if you interested in becoming a subscriber.


You should’ve already got your access key in your mailbox right after you signed the subscription. If not, please contact support@http-prompt.com.

To install latest package, please use pip with --extra-index-url option:

$ pip install --extra-index-url https://YOUR_ACCESS_KEY@pypi.http-prompt.com -U http-prompt

Replace YOUR_ACCESS_KEY with your actual access key. Normally, this command should be enough. It tells pip to get the latest http-prompt package from https://pypi.http-prompt.com. -U option makes sure that it does an upgrade if you already have an existing version installed.

On Mac or Linux, if you want to install http-prompt on system-wide Python, you need to add a sudo in front of the command:

$ sudo pip install --extra-index-url https://YOUR_ACCESS_KEY@pypi.http-prompt.com -U http-prompt

Installing to system-wide Python is not recommended. Another better alternative is to use --user option to install the package into your user directory:

$ pip install --user --extra-index-url https://YOUR_ACCESS_KEY@pypi.http-prompt.com -U http-prompt

If --extra-index-url option doesn’t work for you somehow, you may want to try upgrading your pip first:

$ pip install -U pip

You can always specify the package URL directly if none of the above works:

$ pip install https://YOUR_ACCESS_KEY@pypi.http-prompt.com/http-prompt/http_prompt-0.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

The Private PyPI Server

Normally, you would install a Python package from the offical PyPI: https://pypi.python.org, which is public accessible. HTTP Prompt’s private PyPI server (https://pypi.http-prompt.com) is set up just for paid users. Listing directories is for public. Everyone can see what files is being served. But downloading is protected, you’ll need to pay to get an access key to download any files on the server.